About SVG Stencils Documentation #
To search for a particular term within the documentation, select the ‘magnifying glass’ icon, or press ’s'.
The latest version of this documentation is located at https://svg-stencils.github.io/documentation/.
Example Commands #
Examples in this guide may have snippets of commands to be run in your shell or
paste in your editor. When you see a snippet beginning with $
it’s a shell command.
as your normal user. After either of these lines, there may be example output
from the command.
Placeholders #
Some examples include text with placeholders. Placeholders indicate where you should substitute the appropriate information. For example:
$ cat <stencil name>/stencil-meta.json
This means you need to substitute the text <site_name>
with the actual site
Contributing #
We welcome contributions to this documentation. Please read our Contributing Guidelines.